An opening line to strike up a conversation with a girl that she won’t be able t

Taking up a conversation is something that requires courage and skill, especially for boys. But if you can pique a girl's interest with an irresistible opening line, you're already halfway there. Here are a few conversation starters that girls can’t refuse.

1. Asking for directions

This is a very old but still effective way to strike up a conversation. When you see a pretty girl, walk up to her and ask her if she knows where a certain place is. This will not only attract the girl's attention, but also break the ice and start communication.

For example: "I'm sorry, do you know if there are any good restaurants nearby?"

2. Compliment

Girls like to hear others praise themselves, so you can try to give her a sincere compliment. But be careful not to be too corny or hypocritical, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

For example: "Your hairstyle is very beautiful and suits you very well."

3. Common topics

If you can find a common topic with girls , then the communication between you will become very natural. You can start with her clothes, accessories or schoolbags to find some commonalities.

For example: "Wow, your backpack is the same as mine, we are probably both people who like to travel."

4. Apologize

If you accidentally bump into a girl, you can quickly apologize and start communicating by the way. This way can make girls feel that you are polite and responsible.

For example: "I'm sorry, I didn't see the road clearly and hit you. Are you okay?"

5. Ask questions

If you can An interesting question and girls will be interested in you. But be careful not to make the questions too personal or sensitive.

For example: "Where do you think the best burger restaurant is?"

The above are a few conversation starters with girls, I hope they can help everyone successfully strike up a conversation. Remember, no matter which method you use, you must remain confident and sincere to gain a girl's favor.

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