Even if your girlfriend knows that you love her in love, don’t forget to express your love for her with practical actions, and surprise is the best way to express love. So what are some quick tricks to surprise your girlfriend?
1. Write a love letter
It’s as convenient as email and WeChat, but a handwritten love letter More sentimental. Letters tend to be more romantic and thoughtful. If you feel awkward saying it face to face, your girlfriend will love hearing it on paper.
If you usually wear some type of perfume, please spray a little on the paper before delivery.
Try putting the letter in her handbag or somewhere she will see it often.
2. Send flowers
Try a timeless surprise method. A box of chocolates, a toy animal, jewelry, or a bouquet of her favorite roses is the ultimate romantic gift. Be careful not to buy random things, but choose things she likes.
For example, if her favorite flower is roses, give her roses. If she likes dolls, buy limited edition or hard-to-get models from her favorite brand.
You may need some advance planning. You can't just show her up there or let her know what you're doing. You can book it, then call her and tell her your car broke down. Let's say you need her to pick you up and give her an address near a restaurant. It will be a great surprise to see you waiting there with a bouquet of flowers when she arrives.
3. Make a memory album
Make a photo or memory album. An album filled with beautiful memories of you and her is sure to surprise your girlfriend. The easiest way is to give her a simple photo album filled with precious photos from your past. If you want to go one better, create a richer memory album that includes your thoughts about each photo or what you appreciated about her.
4. Show off your cooking skills
Cooking a home-cooked meal for her can also be full of romance. , especially if she cooks a lot. If you're confident in your cooking abilities, try treating your girlfriend to a delicious meal. If not, make some simple food, such as scrambled eggs with tomatoes, cucumber salad, etc. You can make it for breakfast, lunch or dinner. The meal doesn't need to be anything fancy, but make sure it's a meal and taste she likes.
If you're nervous about cooking on your own, bringing up the idea of cooking together will help her feel connected. The two of you can spend some fun time together, and this practice will stillBe romantic.
Clean the table, use matching cutlery, and light candles. This will show that you're not just having a nightly treat, but that this is a special dinner.