"Fighting: Girlfriends Quarrel Funny Movie" is a movie with the theme of humorous conflicts between lovers. This film is based on the daily life of a couple. Through the funny conflicts and contradictions between them, it shows how couples can resolve problems through humor and understanding. It also allows the audience to experience the couple in a relaxed and happy atmosphere. Between sweetness and warmth.
The main characters of the movie are a couple. The male protagonist is a young man who likes to be funny and humorous, and the female protagonist is A kind, cute but somewhat tempered girl. When they live together, they often quarrel over trivial things, but every time they are able to resolve the conflicts through the hero's humor and wit, making the relationship between the lovers closer.
The film adopts a relaxed and humorous narrative method, allowing the audience to feel the happiness and sweetness between lovers through a series of funny scenes and plots. At the same time, the film also expresses a theme that conflicts and conflicts between lovers are not terrible. The key is to learn to understand and tolerate, and to resolve problems through humor and wisdom.
In short, "Funny Girlfriends Quarrel Movie" is a light-hearted and humorous romantic comedy movie, suitable for couples and audiences who like funny humor. By watching this movie, the audience can feel the sweetness and warmth between lovers, and at the same time, they can also learn how to deal with conflicts and conflicts between lovers.