When your girlfriend becomes depressed after a quarrel between her parents-in-law, your boyfriend should try your best to calm her down and provide her with warmth and support. Here are some ways to help you better handle this situation.
1. Listen to what she has to say
First of all, give your girlfriend a space to vent her emotions. When she feels comfortable sharing her feelings with you, listen patiently and express understanding. Don't interrupt her or try to solve the problem, just listen. By talking, she can release her inner stress and feel your care.
2. Give affirmation and encouragement
While listening, give your girlfriend positive affirmation and encouragement. encourage. In response to the emotions and feelings she's expressing, you can say things like, "I understand how you feel," "You're doing a great job," or "I'm sure you can handle this." Such affirmation and encouragement will boost her self-confidence and make her feel supported and understood.
3. Provide substantial help
In addition to emotional support, you can also provide some substantial help. For example, help her organize her thoughts and analyze the causes and solutions of problems; or help her handle some matters related to her in-laws to reduce her burden. Such actions will make her feel that you are a reliable partner and willing to share her difficulties.
4. Distraction
Sometimes, diverting attention away from the things that bother you is an effective way. You can invite your girlfriend to do some activities that she likes together, such as watching movies, shopping, playing sports, etc. Through distraction, she can temporarily forget her worries and relax.
5. Encourage positive coping
Finally, encourage your girlfriend to actively cope with problems. Tell her that every family will encounter quarrels and conflicts, but the key is how to face and resolve them. Remind her to seek communication and compromise between her parents-in-law, or seek professional help. Also express your confidence in her ability to handle the problem.
When your girlfriend is depressed, as your boyfriend, you should provide her with warmth and support. By listening, affirming, providing substantial help, providing distraction, and encouraging positive coping, you can help her get through this difficult moment and deepen your relationship.